Ghostwriting & Editing


As reporters by trade, we’re seasoned storytellers. Challenge us to write about a topic — any topic — and we’ll deliver words that are as vivid as they are clear, as crisp as they are convincing.

We’re also expert editors, who delight in implementing both structural feedback and line-by-line copyediting. For us, few things are as gratifying as transforming words that are “good enough” into content that dazzles.

The bottom line: We love language so much that we’ve been blogging about it since 2005.

Why JRG?

Most writers focus only on the words. Yet what something says can quickly be undermined by how it looks. So we also focus on aesthetics — everything from how long your paragraphs are to the use of headings and a killer headline.

Similarly, most editors simply improve documents. We also teach you how to write better. We want you to understand the reasons for our feedback, so you can employ these new skills in your next project.

Which Type of Editor Do You Need?

When people talk about “editing,” they often mean different things. Here are the definitions we use:

A proofreader corrects typos, grammar, and punctuation, and enforces consistency vis-a-vis an editorial style guide.

An editor does all this, and makes changes for clarity, cogency, and flow.

Our Niche

We specialize in short-form thought leadership. For example, we’ve helped clients succeed with the following projects:

Blog Posts
✔ Case Studies
Cover Letters
✔ Key Messages
LinkedIn Profiles
✔ News Articles
News Releases
✔ People Profiles
✔ Personal Statements
✔ Product Pages (for Amazon)
✔ Proposals
✔ Reports
Social Media Content
Slide Decks
✔ Speeches
✔ Video Scripts
Vision Statements
Website Copy
Wikipedia Pages

Where We’ve Been Published

Our work has appeared in a plethora of publications, including:

✔ Business Insider
✔ Fast Company
✔ Forbes
✔ HuffPost
✔ Mashable
✔ National Review Online
✔ The New York Times
✔ Politico
✔ TechCrunch
✔ Time
✔ USA Today
✔ The Wall Street Journal
✔ The Washington Post

Browse Our Work

Here are our writing samples.

You can also check out our writing workshop:


Here are a few quotes from our clients:

“I love being edited by you! You have a masterful command of modern conventions, and I learn every time. You are the most meticulous and savvy editor I’ve ever worked with.” Paul Stregevsky

“You gave us so much to work with, and our work is so much better thanks to your skills and research! You really captured the essence of the client, its ethos, and its future. We are beyond grateful for your expertise and clever and insightful writing.” Grace Leong

“Thank you for your energy, enthusiasm, and rockstar writing ability. It’s been a pleasure. Your approach and deep research made this process cathartic in a way I didn’t expect.” Kimberly Spell


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