3 Letters Explain the Way That Wikipedia Works

Wikipedia is a paradox: Its official subtitle is the “encyclopedia that anyone can edit,” yet precious few know how do that. Indeed, so copious and cryptic are the encyclopedia’s rules that even if your intentions are pure, you’re bound to violate one of them.

So what’s the secret to success? In a word: Sourcing. Above all, Wikipedia editors focus on footnotes to determine what to include and what to exclude.

To that end, it behooves aspiring Wikipedians to learn the acronym “SIR.” “SIR” stands for “significant,” “independent,” and “reliable,” and it’s the hiding-in-plain-sight key to confirming that whatever article you want to cite is appropriate.

Confused? Maybe a little curious? Let’s say you want to create a Wikipedia page for Marie. Here’s how to use your new friend “SIR”:

Is the coverage of Marie in the article significant? Being cited or even quoted a few times in an article is not particularly helpful. Being quoted extensively is better, but still not a deal maker. What you’re looking for are reported profiles where Marie is the focus.

Is the media outlet in which the article appears completely independent from Marie? This rules out Q&A interviews and sponsored content.

Is the media outlet reliable? That is, does it have a reputation for fact-checking and accuracy? Does it employ editors? Does it disclose conflicts of interest? Does it issue corrections when it makes a mistake?

If you want to learn more, watch my above interview with Grammar Girl (start at 4:49). You can also listen to the podcast. Or just read my white paper.

Addendum (3/17/2025): Thanks to Mignon Fogarty and Alison Schwartz for sharing the interview on LinkedIn.

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