
The Jonathan Rick Group is a communication consultancy in Washington, D.C. We help you shape and tell your story.

Put another way: We identify the most efficacious platforms for your initiatives, then create communications that exploit the strengths of each medium.

For example, if your goal is to demonstrate thought leadership, then we might suggest a series of op-eds. If you want to raise your visibility, we might recommend a Wikipedia page. If you want to pitch investors, we’d likely propose a slide deck.

The bottom line: Let us help you communicate with clarity, crispness, and cogency.

Ghostwriting & Editing


As reporters by trade, we’re seasoned storytellers. Challenge us to write about a topic — any topic — and we’ll deliver words that are as vivid as they are clear, as crisp as they are convincing.

Social Media

Social Media

Social media is our sweet spot. We can help you get started, or we can help you wring greater ROI out of your existing efforts. We can manage your channels directly, or we can advise you on how to hone them.

Training Workshops

Workshops by Jonathan Rick

Learning is a never-ending process. So set aside time to ask those questions that escape easy consensus, to test that hypothesis you’ve been pondering, to discover new best practices. Let us coach you and your team to success with a personalized workshop.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing

We may live in an age of texts and tweets, but when it comes to thoughtful, sustained engagement, email remains the killer app. To be invited into someone’s inbox is the holy grail of digital communication.

Crisis Communication

Crisis Communication

Quick! How do you change what appears when your name is Googled right now? How do you get your side of the story out there today? What should you tell your colleagues and clients before the news breaks? These are just a few of the fires we can help you extinguish in a PR conflagration.



Branding, whether for your personal or professional life, is one of the most challenging communication campaigns you can undertake. Do it right, and you’ll reap the rewards of a successful career. Do it wrong, and you’ll spend a lifetime trying to recover.