If you’re reading this, you no doubt have a LinkedIn profile. What you may not have is a full understanding of LinkedIn’s hidden powers — how it can transform your online presence from an afterthought into a model of thought leadership.
Here’s a quick example. LinkedIn offers two fields for your title: One is your career title (how you describe yourself at parties); the other is your job title (what your business card says).
To illustrate: Have you ever heard of the guy known as the “Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs”? Here’s a hint: You know him by his job (rather than career) title: He’s the “National Security Advisor.”
Sadly, when it comes to social media, most people conflate these two appellations. As a result, they miss an invaluable opportunity to optimize their brand in search results — not only on LinkedIn, but also in Google.
Want to learn more? In the above workshop, “Everything You Want to Know About LinkedIn, but Were Too Embarrassed to Ask,” I walk through dozens of tactics like this. Take a look; I bet you’ll discover a few tricks you never knew of.
And if your profile could benefit from an overhaul and optimization — by all means, let’s chat!